Monday, September 8, 2008

The Election and its effect on State Jobs

This election year marks a historic year for both Washington State and the United States elections. This is the first year a major party has nominated an African American candidate and the first for a female to run with the Republican Party. Within our state of Washington, the primary elections have demonstrated that Governor Gregoire’s (D) run for re-election will be as tight with Republican Dino Rossi as it was four years ago. Although I am keeping mum on my vote, one thing is for sure: these close races have kept everyone interested both for historic and personal reasons.

With the economy continuing its first major hit since the 80s, Americans and Washingtonians are more and more concerned with who will be the best person to lead them out of this slump. For some, the choice is as simple as Democrat or Republican. For others, the choice is about a cadre of impossibles and the ultimatum of deciding which things we cannot live without and which we are willing to sacrifice for the greater good.

I have gone online to research both candidates, and unsurprisingly I find myself leaning towards the candidate I am researching; at least until I begin researching what the other candidate has said about them. In the presidential election and the Washington State Governor election, all candidates are promising a better economy, lower fuel and food prices, more jobs, in general: a better life.

So who’s telling the truth? Who will really make all or any this happen? The answer: I have no idea. I do not claim omnipotence. In reality, your guess is as good as mine. Don’t get me wrong, I know who I’m voting for. DO YOU? As a first generation American and the wife of a resident alien, I am constantly reminded of the power of my vote by those who do no yet have that power. As a Washington State and an American citizen, we all have the right and the obligation to vote for what we believe is right. Since the hiring freeze was implemented, I heard conflicting opinions about who will create more jobs in Washington State. For those of us not born into absolute wealth, our new governor and our new president will have a huge impact on our lives. Apathy is just not acceptable.

So here is what this article is about: getting the information you need to know who to vote for. This is a group effort. Opinions are opinions but in order for all of us to make informed decisions on this, we need to hear what other people know. At the moment, I am not making my opinion known so that people will feel comfortable to give their own. So please, let me and everyone else know how you feel about this election and how it will affect employment and all other aspects of life

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